Amazon Fire HD TV Spot, 'Why Buy Just One?' Song by Georgia Gibbs
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People find unique ways to make use of having multiple Amazon Kindle Fire tablets. A man is walking to the bathroom with one of his Kindle Fires, but his wife reminds him to take his "bathroom tablet" instead. Another couple plays roulette with their Kindle Fires to determine which film they are going to watch. A man has four tablets lined up in a row as he performs dramatic karate chops in a game of Fruit Ninja, and a woman sits by the pool taking selfies with six different Kindle Fires attached to one stick.
- Published
- November 09, 2015
- Advertiser
- Amazon Kindle
- Products
- Amazon Fire Tablet Fire, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment Furious 7, Twentieth Century Studios Home Entertainment The Best of Me, Halfbrick Studios Fruit Ninja, Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment Hercules
- Mood
- Funny
- Movies
- Hercules, Furious 7, The Best of Me
- Video Game
- Fruit Ninja
- Actors - Add
- Jeff Daniel Phillips ... Karate master, Elise Luthman ... Teen girl taking selfies, Erin Maxick ... Wife playing roulette with Kindles
- Agency
- Initiative ... Media Agency
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