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Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver TV Spot, 'The Father of Tequila'

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Jose Cuervo says if there was one party that brought together history's best creators, innovators and pioneers you would notice a common theme among those mothers and fathers of modern technology and science. But if you were to choose just one historical parent to throw such a party, it would undoubtedly be thrown by Jose Antonio de Cuervo -- the father of tequila.

June 18, 2019
Jose Cuervo
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Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver
“The Father of Tequila”
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Abraham Lincoln , Amelia Earhart , Anne Boleyn , Chuck Berry , Jose Antonio de Cuervo , Marie Antoinette , Marie Curie , Mark Twain , Napoleon Bonaparte , Nikola Tesla , Paul Cézanne , Socrates
Crispin Porter Bogusky ... Creative Agency

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