Commercial matches for The unicorn
- Target TV Spot, 'Disney Channel: Be Unique'
- Club Petz TV Spot, 'Talent Show'
- Target TV Spot, 'For Individualists'
- Target TV Spot, 'For A-lists and Type-A Lists'
- T-Mobile TV Spot, 'iPhone XR: unicornio' [Spanish]
- CBS All Access TV Spot, 'CBS 11: Favorites'
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Join the Universe: 50% Off Championship Titles & Tees as Low as $12' Song by Krissie Karlsson
- 5 Surprise Unicorn Squad TV Spot, 'Oopsie'
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Join the Universe' Song by Krissie Karlsson
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Join the Universe: Buy One, Get One Shirts for $1 & Up To 50% Off Titles' Song by Krissie Karlsson
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Energize Your Style: 30% Off Orders & 20% Off Championship Titles' Song by Easy McCoy
- WWE Shop TV Spot, 'Energize Your Style: 20% off Titles & 40% off Tees' Song by Easy McCoy
- Uni-Verse Unicorn Surprise TV Spot, 'Unicorn Magic Is Real'
- Office Depot TV Spot, 'Back to School: Some Pens? Get All the Pens: Backpacks'
- Lucky Charms TV Spot, 'Rainbow Unicorn Marshmallows'
- Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes TV Spot, 'Ahora con tres unicornios nuevos' [Spanish]
- Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty TV Spot, 'Fans Everywhere Are Celebrating'
- Kohl's TV Spot, 'Stack the Savings: Shark Vacuums, Serta and Kids Apparel'
- Uni-Verse Unicorn Surprise TV Spot, 'Wacky World'
- Lifeway Kefir TV Spot, 'Frontline Heroes: Lifeway Loves Your Guts'
- Adult Swim Games TV Spot, 'Retro Unicorn Attack'
- Samsung Galaxy Note II TV Spot, 'Unicorn Apocalypse' Featuring Josh Brener
- Samsung Galaxy Note II TV Spot, 'Unicorn Apocalyse Leaked'
- Samsung Galaxy Note II TV Spot, 'Unicorn Apocalyse: New Designs'