Commercial matches for Grab it grab it
- General Tire Grabber X3 TV Spot, 'Unearthing'
- James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein "Max Einstein: Rebels With a Cause" TV Spot
- Clean Police Floating Mop TV Spot, 'Scrub, Grab and Trap Dirt'
- Jack in the Box Tiny Tacos TV Spot, 'Grab 15 Tiny Tacos for a Great Deal'
- Bass Pro Shops Summer Kickoff Sale TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Bass Pro Shops Summer Sale TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Gerber Pudding Grabbers TV Spot, 'Who's Your Daddy?'
- Bass Pro Shops Spring Fever Sale TV Spot, 'Grab Life by the Gills'
- Grab Bag TV Spot, 'Comestibles' [Spanish]
- McDonald's Happy Meal TV Spot, 'Grab the Fun of Gogurt'
- Grab-It TV Spot
- Duluth Trading TV Spot, 'Fire Hose Work Pants vs. a Grab-Happy Grizzly'
- Gadget Grab TV Spot, 'Securely Sticks'
- Hook-its TV Spot, 'Grab That Hook'
- SwerveBall TV Spot, 'The Grab'