Commercial matches for I do it
- Donald J. Trump for President TV Spot, 'Motherhood' Featuring Ivanka Trump
- GEICO TV Spot, 'Sleeping Beauty: It's What You Do'
- XFINITY Internet TV Spot, 'Download Race' Featuring Chris Hardwick
- 2017 Toyota Corolla TV Spot, 'I Do the New'
- Sonic Drive-In Corn Dogs TV Spot, 'Corn-ival Games'
- Cox Communications High Speed Internet TV Spot, 'Dog Reliability'
- UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan TV Spot, 'I'm Done'
- Futzuki Reflexology Mat TV Spot, 'Does Foot Pain Drive You Insane?'
- Downy Infusions TV Spot, 'Infuse Your Sweater With Freshness'
- XFINITY X1 Paquete Doble TV Spot, 'Una indirecta' [Spanish]
- Downy Infusions TV Spot, 'Querido suéter' [Spanish]
- I Am a Witness TV Spot, 'Bullying: Do Something'
- Who Tooted? TV Spot, 'Who Done It?'
- TV Spot, 'Love It But Don't Wear It?'
- GaZoos TV Spot, 'Interactive Dog Toys'
- Wildgame Innovations Wild Estrus Doe Squirt TV Spot, 'No More Crying'
- Kohl's Cyber Week Spectacular TV Spot, 'Don't Miss It!'
- PUMA TITANTOUR IGNITE TV Spot, 'Done Yet?' Featuring Rickie Fowler
- Dish Network Two-Year TV Price Lock TV Spot, 'Dish Is How We Do It'
- GEICO TV Spot, 'Spy: It's What You Do'
- Dunkin' Donuts Caramel Macchiato TV Spot, 'Layers of Indulgence'
- Donate Life America TV Spot, 'The Importance of Donation' Ft. Erik Compton
- McDonald's All Day Breakfast TV Spot, 'The Intern' Feat. Reginald Hudlin
- Perillo Tours TV Spot, 'Don't Wait Until It's Too Late'