Commercial matches for Lego star wars millennium falcon
- LEGO Star Wars TV Spot, 'The Dark Falcon'
- Rooms to Go Venta Día de los Presidentes TV Spot, 'Camas para niños: $299 dólares' [Spanish]
- Rooms to Go Kids Presidents Day Sale TV Spot, 'Epic Bedrooms'
- LEGO Star Wars TV Spot, 'You Decide Who Wins'
- Star Wars Micro Machines TV Spot, 'Iconic and Mini'
- Star Wars Battle Action Millennium Falcon TV Spot, 'Surprise the Enemy'
- Star Wars Command TV Spot, 'Build, Lead, Battle'
- Angry Bird: Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bounce Game TV Spot, 'Destroy Evil'
- Walmart Cyber Week TV Spot, 'The Things That Really Matter' Ft. Dan Patrick
- Toys R Us Biggest LEGO Sale of the Year TV Spot, 'Whoa!'
- Star Wars Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcon TV Spot, 'Cave Monster'
- LEGO Star Wars Playset TV Spot, 'Final Battle'