Commercial matches for Lov
- WeatherTech TV Spot, 'Love for Tailgating'
- Calico Critters Luxury Townhome TV Spot, 'Home is Where Love Lives'
- Sonicare TV Spot, 'Most Loved'
- Bad Boy Mowers TV Spot, 'More to Love'
- Honey Maid TV Spot, 'Love is Love'
- United Airlines TV Spot, 'The Sound'
- Macy's Great Shoe Sale TV Spot, 'The Brands You Love'
- National CASA Association TV Spot, 'Loved and Nurtured' Feat. Phil McGraw
- Joyce Meyer Ministries 2015 Women's Love Life Conference TV Spot, 'Roads'
- Reba "Love Somebody" TV Spot
- Kay Jewelers Open Hearts TV Spot, 'Keep an Open Heart: Save 20%' Feat. Jane Seymour
- Everest College TV Spot, 'Train for a Career You Will Love'
- Lysol Disinfectant Spray TV Spot, 'The Soft Places We Love'
- 1-800-FLOWERS.COM TV Spot, 'Be the Reason Mom Feels Loved'
- K-Y Love TV Spot, 'Intimacy Therapy'
- K-Y Love Yours + Mine TV Spot, 'Jerry and Dee'
- JCPenney Love Mom Sale TV Spot, 'Make Her Shine'
- JCPenney Love Mom Sale TV Spot, 'Shine On'
- Kindred Healthcare TV Spot, 'Find Care for a Loved One at Long Distances'
- USGA TV Spot, 'A Lot to Love About Golf'
- McDonald's Sirloin Third Pounders TV Spot, 'Daily Lovin' Reminder: Intro'
- National Academy of Sports Medicine TV Spot, 'Career You Love'
- Gatorade TV Spot, 'We Love Sweat' Featuring Michael Jordan, Song by Mapei
- Pampers Swaddlers TV Spot, 'Moments of Love'